The Meaning of Numbers 20-29

Biblical meaning: ministry of salvation
Hebrew words: kaph-zayin (open hand and spiritual warfare)
1. Joshua 1:1-2 – the 27th time Joshua’s name is mentioned, God tells Joshua that Moses is dead, and it is now time to cross the Jordan into Canaan, where they can minister the gospel of salvation

2. Matt. 1:23 – this verse has a numeric value of 27x111, and says that a virgin shall conceive and bear a son

3. Romans 1:16 – this verse has a numeric value of 27x100, and mentions the good news of Christ

4. 1 John 4:15 – this verse has a numeric value of 27x111, and says that Jesus is the Son of God

- Zak – the Hebrew word meaning “pure”, which has a numeric value of 27

Biblical meaning: following God or the Holy Spirit
Hebrew words: kaph-chet (open palm covering the heart)
1. Gen. 8:15 – the 28th time Noah’s name is mentioned, God tells Noah to leave the ark, and thus Noah is being led by God

2. Ex. 26:1-2 – the curtains of Moses’ tabernacle were 28 cubits long

3. Joshua 1:10-11 – the 28th time Joshua’s name is mentioned, he command the people to get ready to cross the river Jordan, thus they are following God

4. Eccl. 3:2-8 – lists 28 things that there is time for

5. Matt. 1:17 – says that there are 28 generations from Abraham to the Babylonian removal, which represents Pentecost, due to the second set of 14

6. Acts 10:5 – the 28th time Peter’s name is mentioned, God tells Cornelius to look for Peter in Joppa

Biblical meaning: departure
Hebrew words: kaph-teth (sepent eating its tail)
1. Gen. 8:18-19 – the 29th time Noah’s name is mentioned, he and his family are departing from the ark after the flood

2. Gen. 14:11-12 – the 29th time Abram’s name is mentioned, he is departing from Sodom and Gomorrah

3. Gen. 26:1 – the 29th time Issac’s name is mentioned, he is departing from Beer-lahairoi to go to Gerar

4. Gen. 28:7 – the 29th time Jacob’s name is mentioned, he leaves his parents to go to Padan-aram

5. 2 Chron. 25:1 – King Amaziah ruled for 29 years

6. 2 Chronicles 29:1 – King Hezekiah ruled for 29 years

7. Matt. 8:34 – the 29th time Jesus’ name is mentioned in the book of Matthew, people ask Jesus to leave after He had healed the demoniac

8. John 4:2-3 – the 29th time Jesus name is mentioned in the book of John, He departs from Judea to go to Galilee

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